Peach Yogurt Parfait

wassup-its-evelynn (1)

I seriously can’t… This is soo good. No joke.

I love yogurt parfait, especially with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. So when we had nectarines, I decided to try it out and bada bing bada boom! It was perfect!

Peach Yogurt Parfait


  • Servings: 1-2
  • Time: 15 mins
  • Difficulty: easy
  • If this is your first time doing this recipe, I suggest you do half the recipe.

You will need:


− One nectarine 

− 1 teaspoon and 1/2 of Cinnamon

−  1 teaspoon and 1/2 of Nutmeg

− 1 cup of Vanilla Yogurt

− 1/2 cup of Granola (Here’s a really good recipe)



  1. Get a chopping board and dice your nectarine into cubes.
  2. In a small bowl, mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg. Add 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar if you would like it sweeter.
  3. In a separate glass (Or whatever you’re using to make your parfait), layer 1/2 yogurt and add 1/4 cup of your granola over one another.
  4. Mix the peaches with the cinnamon mix.
  5. Put the half the peaches over the oats and continue. The order should be like this: yogurt, oats, peaches, yogurt, oats, peaches, etc.

*If this is your first time doing this recipe, I suggest you do half the recipe.




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