Microwave Nachos

A recipe by Evelynn 🙂


If you read my message on my fashion/beauty page, you would understand that’s up with the long period of time that I did not post. But this weekend, I’m going to do something on each page. On Health/Food, I’m doing my fave microwave nachos! My mom makes these for dinner sometimes, but I randomly tried it in the microwave, and it was AMAZING! Hoping you like nachos! 😛

You will need:

  • About two or/and three handfuls of nachos
  • One strand of green onions
  • A slice of tomato
  • Any cheese of your choice (I recommend cheddar or mozzarella) 
  1. Wash your tomatoes and your green onion.
  2. Grate your cheese until you think there is enough.
  3. Take your slice of tomate and chop it in little pieces. 
  4. Take your green onions and do the same thing.
  5. Take half of your nachos, and sprinkle half of your cheese, green onions and tomatoes. Sprinkle it on the nachos.
  6. Next, do the same thing with the rest of the ingredients (Nachos,cheese,green onions and tomatoes)
  7. Microwave your nachos for about 20-30 seconds.  

And there you have it! Eat your nachos with salsa or a dipping sauce of your choice.